Hunt A Killer Review – Is Hunt A Killer Worth the Cost?

Hunt A Killer Review

Have you heard about the murder mystery subscription box Hunt A Killer game? Maybe you just stumbled upon this article and now I have suddenly intrigued you. No matter how you got here, we are going to give you our honest opinion of the HuntAKiller murder mystery subscription box in this in depth Hunt A Killer review. We will dive deep into this one, unlike other Hunt A Killer Reviews you may have seen.

Many people have asked us, is Hunt A Killer worth it? Or, is Hunt A Killer a Scam? We have all of the answers for you in this Hunt A Killer review. We will outline everything you need to know before buying this murder mystery monthly subscription box.

Stay til the end of this Hunt A Killer game review as we have a special offer for our readers!

First things first. Do you love true crime? Do you love working to solve mysteries? Do you like mysteries involving… MURDER!? Do you like detective shows, murder mystery podcasts, or documentaries?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then you should keep reading. If you shook your head in disgust at all of these questions, then you should still keep reading because this may interest you. Hey, you never know!

You don’t have to be a ‘murder mystery junkie’ to perk up and be pumped about the idea of a ‘murder mystery subscription box.’ In specific, we are talking about the Hunt A Killer subscription box.

If you like playing games where you can be fully immersed in the content and experience, then this may be for you.

Unlike other Hunt A Killer Reviews, we are going to dive really deep into everything you need to know. Since this is a meaty review, I put together a little table of contents below in case you want to skip around. But if you are truly interested, I recommend reading through the whole review from start to finish!

Our Other Hunt A Killer Reviews:

There are a lot of different stories and products to Hunt A Killer. This is the general review for Hunt A Killer as a whole. We have more specific reviews for Hunt A Killer Horror, as well as a review for a unique box called Camp Calamity. If you are looking for more information on those, then you can use the links below.

Hunt A Killer has released a new series under their Hunt A Killer: Horror section for spooky season. If you are looking for that specific review, please head on over and read our Hunt A Killer Horror: Blair Witch Review

We do mention premium boxes in this review, but this is not our full review for the special premium box, Camp Calamity. Click here to read our full Hunt A Killer Camp Calamity review.

Now that you are in the right place, let’s dive into this Hunt A Killer review!

Disclaimer: This is our honest opinion in our own words. Honesty is very important to us and we make sure that we only review and recommend products we would use ourselves and fully enjoy.


So what is Hunt A Killer anyway? Hunt A Killer is a murder mystery subscription box where your role is to become a detective and work to solve a crime. Specifically, the crime involves a murder with many different unique suspects. Once you subscribe, you are in a Hunt A Killer ‘season’ and each season lasts 6 months.

There is an episode each month, so that’s 6 episodes in total. Each episode is carefully packed inside it’s own box and arrives on a monthly schedule (although there is an option to buy in bulk, more on that later). It is your duty to sort through clues and evidence to eliminate one suspect (or more) per episode.

You can either purchase the whole season in bulk and receive all of your boxes at once, OR you can go on a monthly subscription and receive one box per month. Having this option is great for people who do not feel like waiting a whole month to receive their next murder mystery monthly box.

However, you can actually save a decent amount of money if you opt in to going with the full season pass. If you are hesitant to purchase the full season, then you could always purchase the first month’s box and then cancel your subscription if you are not happy. But you may just want to consider hopping on board the full season pass so you can get the full experience.

You can see the different purchasing options in the Hunt A Killer online store for the current season.

As we go through this Hunt A Killer game review, we will share our experience from start to finish and answer some of the most asked questions towards the end. Let’s start with ordering our first box for this Hunt A Killer game.


We landed on the Hunt A Killer subscription box website through an advertisement on instagram. We were drawn in because we love true crime mysteries and escape rooms, so we wanted to learn more about what the Hunt A Killer subscription box entailed. It was a no brainer that we had to try it out!

We were a bit hesitant to buy the full package where you receive all the boxes at once for a large sum, so we just settled for paying the Hunt A Killer cost of $30 for just the first box and decided to make our decision whether to stay on the subscription or not after we received it.

Now don’t click off just yet. We know $30 can be a pretty large sum just to “try something out” for a lot of people, but we’ll explain if it’s worth it or not towards the end of this article.

Keep in mind, once you purchase the first box, you are automatically put on a payment plan of $30 a month. In order to cancel the next payment, you would have to terminate the subscription through your account on the Hunt A Killer website.

At the time we were looking, Hunt A Killer was featuring their “Class of ’98” season. We decided that this would be the season where we would start our journey with the Hunt A Killer murder mystery subscription box.

Side note, every 6 months there is a new story. At the time of publishing this article, the “Class of ’98” box is no longer active in the subscription, but a new and exciting story is being featured. Don’t be sad though, this box is now available as a premium box set, meaning you can purchase it in full and play it whenever you want!

The Hunt A Killer team are continuing to update their collection of mystery boxes, so you may see a different featured box on their website. However, in the Hunt A Killer store, you can actually purchase previous boxes if you want to play through a specific series.

After we purchased the subscription, the box shipped fairly quickly and we received our first Hunt A Killer box within the week. To be honest, the box was thinner than I expected and I was not sure if there was anything in it!

Hunt A Killer Reviews

The Game Night Gods team got together for a game night to open the first box together, hoping it wouldn’t be a bust. Fingers crossed!

Once the team was assembled, it was time to see what was inside the box…


The box was sealed with a single piece of tape, so it was very easy to open with one finger.

We opened our first box and were pleasantly surprised by the contents within. It was more than we expected, since the box was so light and thin when we received it in the mail.

We were immediately drawn in and it didn’t take long for the team to adapt to the different objects that consisted of physical items and documents. We began to hand out all of the different clues and objects for each team member to hold and read.

Here were the contents of the first box:

  • Instruction booklet
  • A card with the list of contents
  • Hunt A Killer styled notepad
  • Hunt A Killer pin
  • Blacklight keychain
  • A large manilla envelope

In the manilla envelope were a bunch of “documents” including a letter from a detective, case files, class of 1998 yearbook, a large map of chestnut falls, and a drink koozie.

HuntAKiller Subscription Box Contents

We quickly skimmed through the instruction booklet, eager to start analyzing the clues of our first box. We discovered that there is no apparent order or ‘right way’ to really start, but we found that the best starting point for us was to read the detective’s letter.

This letter contained important information about the box and was written by the detective who has enlisted you to help solve the mystery. 

As you continue to read on, we want you to know that we made it a point to make sure this Hunt A Killer review is spoiler free. We don’t want to ruin the fun, so we promise to only let you know our personal experience and game flow during our crime scene investigation, without spoiling anything. We will not name any suspect’s names or give away any clues.

Keep reading for a surprise offer at the end! You will not be disappointed. Now, let’s go into a little more detail, shall we?


It didn’t take long for one of us (Branden) to spread the map out on the floor and start marking off locations we thought might be important as we read the witness statements that were provided in the case files.

I took it upon myself to look through the Class of 1998 yearbook. The yearbook was full of images and hand written letters that were signed by classmates. This had to be one of my favorite objects from this box.

As team member Kait read the witness statements, I marked off the suspects that were named in the yearbook for later reference. Branden was writing notes on the map (with a pencil) of the different locations being stated from witnesses on the night of the murder.

We were also keeping track and taking notes of key things in our detective notepad that was also provided in the box.

Hunt A Killer Game Review

Every object felt so authentic as the case files were hand written and the classmate’s signatures in the yearbook felt like I was looking at my own yearbook from high school. You can tell the amount of time and effort that was put into every detail of the case clues.

It really felt like we were true crime detectives sifting through physical evidence and paper documents, trying to find clues that were taken from the crime scene.

The witness statements gave us a peek into the personalities of each suspect as we began to learn their stories and their relationships to one another. Reading their witness statements gave us insight on their time and location throughout the night, helping us craft their alibis.

We began discussing all of the characters involved, the places they were located at the time of murder, and what we thought about the personality of each person involved.

It was crazy the way we were talking about these fictional suspects like they were real people!

Hunt A Killer Class of 98 Box


At first when the directions stated we needed to use the computer to look up more evidence, we were a bit iffy. We wanted this to be a technology free night and not have to use a computer.

We even decided to put our phones away so that we could be fully immersed in the experience. The idea of sifting through physical documents and evidence was enough to excite us. But we were wrong!

After logging into the url provided in the detective’s letter, we were pleasantly surprised at the contents we discovered on our computer screen. It felt like we were looking at a real detective’s computer desktop.

There were a bunch of encrypted folders and there was even a song playlist with crime scene investigating music to get you in the mood. Also, we found a list of recipes to make some cocktails while we sifted through clues. We thought this was really cool!

We didn’t get a chance to make any of the cocktail recipes, but we will definitely try them out for the next box!

There were a bunch of files that we could look at and analyze on the computer. It was nice to have both a physical and digital aspect to this investigation.

Murder Mystery Subscription Box


Once we felt comfortable with reading through all of the clues and analyzing all of the documents, we took about a half hour to discuss all of our findings together.

The Game Night Gods team ran through all of the notes we took and looked over the map a few times, as well as the physical evidence that was provided.

We discussed each person and whether we believed what they were saying. Who seemed guilty and who seemed the least guilty? After a lot of discussion, we all agreed on one person we knew was NOT a suspect.

The goal of each box is to eliminate one suspect (or more, depending on the box), so we knew we reached our goal. Now it was time to see if we were right.

On our computer, we went to the link provided on the episode recap card provided in the box and clicked on the suspect we wanted to eliminate. We were right! It felt so good that we all agreed on that one person and we were right about it!

After the suspect was eliminated, the game provided a little synopsis as to why this person could be deemed innocent and the clues that satisfied this ruling. I loved it because it made things more clear and let us know if we missed anything with the clues.

We felt we had enough clues to be able to eliminate the suspect, but there were a few small things we didn’t catch during our investigation.

I noticed that after we eliminated the first suspect, I received an email from the Hunt A Killer team right away asking me if I wanted to ship my next box.

We were so hyped up and excited to play the next box that I clicked the button and told Hunt A Killer to ship my next box RIGHT AWAY. I was so glad that this was an option. I didn’t have to wait a whole month for my next box. The team would have killed me if they had to wait that long (you’re welcome guys!).

We have played through more of the Hunt A Killer subscription boxes and had the same fun experience we had the first time around. After completing the whole season, we were fully pleased with our whole experience and will definitely be continuing our subscription in order to take on new cases.

Since we know that this murder mystery subscription box is already worth the money, we have a special offer for you that we will get to in a little bit, so make sure to keep reading!

Now i’ll be getting into the nitty gritty details by answering some of the most common questions we have received about this murder mystery subscription box.


I see a lot of people online asking if hunt a killer is a scam. I understand why this could be a concern for some people. Maybe they think if it’s something they have to order online, then they won’t receive their boxes or perhaps it will be a waste of money?

After playing our first box of Hunt A Killer, we were HOOKED. I can confidently say that Hunt A Killer is definitely NOT a scam. We have had no issues with receiving our boxes each month and everything has arrived on time.

All of the contents were in each box and we feel as though the clues and the experience is well worth the money. There was enough content within the box to keep the three of us occupied for over an hour and we had fun every second of it.

We Love HuntAKiller

We are now obsessed with Hunt A Killer and are currently making our way through a new case. We have found that these murder mystery subscription boxes are the perfect excuse to get together with friends once a month for game night.

Get your friends together for a night of fun and sift through clues together through this immersive game experience.

We totally recommended starting your journey with Hunt A Killer today. Since we love this subscription box so much, we asked Hunt A Killer if we could receive a special discount code to give to people who read our Hunt A Killer review.

Guess what?! We have been fortunate enough to receive a discount code from the team at Hunt A Killer to give to you guys.

Click here now and use the code GAMENIGHTGODS and you will get 20% off your first box!

If you have any questions or are hesitant to start your journey with Hunt A Killer, please email us at and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Now onto the big question of how much does Hunt A Killer cost. The current cost of the Hunt a Killer subscription is $30 per month plus $3.95 for shipping within the United States. The monthly cost includes the limited edition Hunt A Killer box for the current season. Each month, you receive one box.

Keep in mind, you will need to stay on the subscription for six months in order to complete a full season. A full season includes six boxes in total and lasts six months. You have the option to ship your boxes sooner so that you do not have to wait the full six months to complete the season.

Hunt A Killer also offers a “Season Pass” and a “Double Season Pass” where you can either pay for the full 6 months upfront for a lower price, or you can pay for two seasons (12 months) upfront for an even cheaper price. These options usually come with a free gift. For example, they are offering a free ‘Killer Cocktails Set’ that comes with a recipe book and two Detective Juice Moscow Mule cups.

Hunt A Killer Payment Plans:

  • Hunt A Killer Monthly Membership: $30
  • Hunt A Killer 6-Month Prepay: $165 (recommended)
  • Hunt A Killer 12-Month Prepay: $300

If you are ready to dive into the deep end, then why not purchase the whole season upfront. You will get a huge discount and you will be able to play at your own pace, whenever you want. To see the different plan options, you can use the link below!

They also often have sales going on for a certain percentage off your first box. If you are interested, we are offering a discount code for 20% off! Click here now and use the code GAMENIGHTGODS and you will get 20% off your first box or purchase a full season plan at a discounted price!

Want more information? Keep reading and we will explain whether or not hunt a killer is worth the cost. You probably can guess what our answer will be, but we figured we will go into a little bit more detail. You may find something valuable in the next segment of this review.

The next section is written by Game Night God’s team member, Kait, so that you can hear her thoughts on this murder mystery subscription box.


The first time I clicked on an ad for the murder mystery subscription game ‘Hunt A Killer’ I was a little taken aback by the price. $30 a month for a game that you have to wait 6 months to complete? It sounded crazy!

For me, the average price of a board game is in the $20 range and 95% of the time the game I purchased can be played multiple times. Paying more than that for a one time play through made me feel slightly uncomfortable with the whole idea.

Although I had my doubts about the investment, Hillary decided to take the plunge, and thus our first subscription box arrived!

I’ll admit that despite being skeptical, I was excited to see what this ‘Hunt A Killer” gig was all about. Upon opening the box, we were impressed to find not only the necessary materials to play the game, but also some extra “fun” items that were also included in each subscription box.

These items went along with the theme of the game, but were not relevant to solving the mystery. As someone who loves a good deal and freebies, that was an added surprise that we all enjoyed.

How Long Does Completing A Box Actually Take?

The first box took us about 2 hours to complete from start to finish. There were 3 of us trying to find a solution to the first episode. We were immersed in the mystery and when we were finished, we were devastated that we had to wait a month to continue our investigation.

We couldn’t wait for our next box and in my opinion, that’s a sign of a job well done.

It’s time to get technical…

Alright, so I think we have made it pretty clear that we enjoy playing Hunt a Killer and that we think it is worth the monthly cost. If after reading the whole chunk of this ‘Hunt A Killer Review’ and my (Kait) section of this post on whether Hunt A Killer is worth the cost, have no fear! I have more to share.

I hope your brain is warmed up because I’m about to whip out my trusty calculator and give you some numbers to think about.

Let’s start by figuring out the individual cost of play that each box presents. Now if one subscription box of Hunt a Killer costs $30.00 and it took us 2 hours to play one box with 3 people, that means that it cost each of us $5 an hour to play. I’d say that’s a pretty good price.

– $5 for an hour’s worth of entertainment –

Still seems a little steep for you? Let’s compare that to, I don’t know, an escape room! We love escape rooms! Taking on the challenge of putting together clues to work your way out of a locked room is the epitome of a great night out for the Game Night Gods!

Why The Cost of The Hunt A Killer Game Is Worth It

The cost of a typical escape room is anywhere from $25 – $35 per person, usually with some sort of coupon. One could argue that an escape room is a more immersive experience, physically being in a themed room (or set of rooms) interacting with physical objects and materials might be more appealing for a group of friends than sitting around a table playing a game.

But you only get 1 hour of play, and that hour would cost our team a minimum of $75 to play. *Plus don’t forget, Hunt A Killer gives you physical evidence and materials that add to your experience.

You might be asking, “but Kait, i’ve never done an escape room!” To which I would reply, “why not?!?” Only kidding, I know they aren’t available everywhere. (Side note, if you ever do have the opportunity to do one, I highly recommend!). If you haven’t had the opportunity to participate in an escape room, here is another comparison.

Most young adults go “out on the town” when they get together with their friends. While you’re out, you’re usually enjoying a nice cocktail or cold glass of beer.

How much do each of those beverages cost? If you said anything less than $5 a drink, please tell me where you go out because that’s incredible! But really, most alcoholic beverages cost more than $5 a glass. If you trade your night out for a night in with friends, split the cost of the box between the participants, you’re saving a pretty penny!

Is Hunt A Killer Worth It


If I didn’t already mention it, I’m a pretty frugal person. I shop at thrift stores and the clearance section is my first stop whenever I go shopping. I’m always on the HUNT (see what I did there lol) for the next deal. But I also enjoy a good game night with my friends and family.

I feel like the experience you get from that skinny little box is worth the expense when it brings us together, making memories like it has thus far. I look forward to our next boxes and solving many more murder mysteries with my friends! What more could I ask for?

I hope you enjoyed my section of the review on the Hunt A Killer subscription box. If you have any questions or comments, leave them down below! We love to hear from our readers and as always, happy gaming!

– End of section by Kait –

We hope you gained some insight from that little section by Kait. If you know her, then you know that she normally wouldn’t spend money on these types of subscription boxes. She didn’t think it would be worth the money. She, and like many others, was proven wrong!


Hunt a Killer has a ton of box sets and bundles on their online store to choose from. You can either purchase a membership and join in on the current season that features a specific box set, or choose a box set that has already made it’s way into the lime light.

If you purchase a box set, Hunt A Killer will send you all the episodes in a complete box set from a previous season of your choice. This is a great option if you do not want to wait the 6 months to complete the current featured season and just want to be “one and done.”

To browse the different Hunt A Killer box sets, simply click here to go to the Hunt A Killer site, and hover over the top tab labeled “store” and then click “box sets” on the dropdown.

HuntAKiller Current Box Sets

The previous season box sets currently in the store are:

  • Hunt A Killer: Class of ’98 Complete Season Box Set
  • Hunt A Killer: Initiation Complete Season Box Set
  • Hunt A Killer: Vindication Complete Season Box Set
  • Hunt A Killer: Moon Summit Complete Season Box Set
  • Hunt A Killer: Starstruck Complete Season Box Set
  • Earth Break: Omega Protocol Complete Season Box Set
  • Earth Break: The Woods Complete Season Box Set
  • Earth Break: Frequency Complete Season Box Set
  • Empty Faces: The Mine Complete Season Box Set
  • Empty Faces: The Woods Complete Season Box Set

Also in the store, you can find “premiums” that are all-in-one experiences that can be solved in a single session. These are perfect to play during a game night and will still provide an awesome experience if you are not ready to play a whole box set or commit to a subscription membership just yet.

HuntAKiller Premiums – All-In-One Experiences

The Premiums currently in the store are:

  • Hunt A Killer: Fine Art Foul Play
  • Hunt A Killer: Hawthorne Junction
  • Hunt A Killer: 1973 – Remastered
  • Hunt A Killer: The Melancholy Killer
  • Hunt A Killer: Baker’s Dozen
  • Hunt A Killer: Ghastly Manor
  • Hunt A Killer: Death at the Dive Bar
  • Hunt A Killer: Camp Calamity

You may also see in the store some Hunt A Killer bundles. These are limited edition bundles that come with a premium all-in-one experience, merch, and gift cards.

The Bundles currently in the store are:

  • Hunt A Killer: Date Night Bundle
  • Hunt A Killer: Family Game Night Bundle
  • Earth Break Omega Protocol “Apocalyptic Summer” Bundle
  • Earth Break Frequency Apocalyptic Summer” Bundle
  • Marshmallow Murder Bundle
  • Tailgate Tragedy Bundle
  • Campfire Crime Bundle

Hunt A Killer has it all! Whether you go with a membership, a box set, or a premium, you will not be disappointed! Be sure to check out the Hunt A Killer store today to learn more about the different products Hunt A Killer has to offer


You might want to play this subscription box alone or maybe you’re wondering what would happen if you got stuck and were not able to come to a conclusion on eliminating a suspect.

It can be frustrating if you are playing alone or your group can’t figure out what to do next. Don’t worry! Hunt A Killer provides support for if/when you need it by having access to an an online message board forum, and/or a secret facebook group you could join.

You can join a different facebook group for EACH episode/box – not the entire season – so as to not have spoilers given away for a season you have not yet completed.

This was definitely an awesome thing knowing that we would have help in case we needed it. We love how the Hunt A Killer boxes are challenging, but not challenging in a way that you may never be able to solve the mystery.

We would love for you to join the Hunt A Killer community and start your own journey with the Hunt A Killer subscription boxes!

Click here now and use the code GAMENIGHTGODS and you will get 20% off your first box!

Thanks for reading our Hunt A Killer review! Feel free to leave a comment below and let us know what you think 🙂

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Hillary is a 29 year old board game enthusiast from New York who specializes in hosting game nights.


Hillary is a 29 year old board game enthusiast from New York who specializes in hosting game nights.

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