About Us

About Game Night Gods


Founder of Game Night Gods

Hillary is a 29 year old web designer and digital marketing specialist from New York who has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and a minor in Studio Art. One of her favorite things to do is play board games and video games with friends and family.

Her goal is to spread positivity and happiness through gaming and spending time with the people you love. She has made many friends throughout the world through the joy of gaming and continues to make more every day!

She grew up playing mostly Xbox, but owns about every major gaming console starting with the Gamecube and Playstation 1.

Hillary’s favorite classic board game is “Sorry!” Her newer favorites are Splendor and Root. She also spends her free time playing Xbox and Nintendo switch.

She dislikes cold coffee.

You will find Hillary surrounded by games no matter the situation and working on her business “Game Night Gods” so that people can feel the love of gaming when visiting GNG!


Co-Founder of Game Night Gods

Kait is a 31 year old practice office associate at a pediatric doctors office. She’s a self taught photographer and photo editor. She does not consider herself to be an overly social person, but LOVES a good game night.

Kait refers to herself as a plant mom who enjoys the great outdoors with her husband Branden, whom she met playing Xbox! She is grateful for the many friends she has found through the video game community and wants to spread awareness of the connections that can be made through playing games.

Her favorite board game is currently Everdell. She’s a homebody who can almost always be found playing dominoes with her family on a typical Saturday night.

Her biggest pet peeve? Branden leaving his shoes in the middle of the living room!

Game Night Gods was created from a genuine love for gaming. Kait’s wish is that more people can be aware of the positive impact that disconnecting from devices and connecting more with family and friends can have on the soul. She hopes that the information provided on the website and social media will encourage more people to unplug and enjoy the pleasure game nights have to offer!


Visual Arts Specialist

Branden is a 31 year old freelance artist with a degree in Digital Art and Animation. As a self proclaimed GEEK, his creations are focused mainly around Robots, Dinosaurs and Aliens.

Although he is always willing to participate in board games, Branden finds the most enjoyment out of videos games. His current favorite is Destiny which he’s clocked in over 1,500 hours playing! He’s an xbox guy who appreciates the nostalgia of Nintendo games such as Super Mario Sunshine and Star Wars Bounty Hunter which he plays on the GameCube.

Being a creative, he draws a lot of inspiration from nature and animals. He appreciates a relaxing trip to the beach or a good walk outdoors with Kait to help him recenter himself whenever he feels like he’s in a creative rut.

His favorite game is Mexican Train Dominoes (although he hardly ever wins, numbers aren’t his strong suit).

Branden HATES mushy foods, he’s a crispy kind of guy.

He’s mostly along for the ride, but is always eager to create for the team when necessary. Branden works odd hours at his second job during the week, so he enjoys the quality time he gets to share with the family on the weekends.


Furry Family Member

Louie is a 12-year-old French Bulldog with a brindle coat and gray fur accents. He loves supporting the GNG team and snoozing on a chair next to the table while they play games.

Louie has been Hillary’s canine companion since 2012 and he is always curious about which new board games have arrived in those large cardboard boxes.

He loves going to the park during the day, and lounging on the recliner at night. He is always up for a play date with his buddies. Although he doesn’t play board games himself, he does love a good game of fetch.

Louie can be seen modeling on the Game Night God’s instagram from time to time. He always accepts his payments in treats.

The GNG family would not be who we are without the love and companionship this little guy has to offer.


You just crash landed onto the best resource for all things related to game night. We will provide you everything you need to have the most fun and successful game night you could ever imagine. Browse our site to find unique game ideas, fun content, delicious recipes, and more!

We are a trio from New York that are experts at having game nights and we wanted to share all of our ideas with you! Hillary, the founder of GNG, decided to recruit her sister and brother-in-law to create a community based around the idea of “game night” and share with others one of our favorite things to do, host a game night!

Our Mission: To spread the joy and awareness of game nights and the idea of building relationships and positivity through gaming.

Here at Game Night Gods, we love doing what we enjoy. That is, hosting game nights! We want others to experience the joy and fun of game nights. Use the resources on our site to help you plan your next game night. Find some game night tips and tricks, recipes, the best board game recommendations, recommended gear, and more!

We have a passion and we want to share it with you!


Here at GNG, we spend a lot of time and care creating content for others to enjoy and help them on their journey to hosting epic game nights. We all have busy lives and use our spare time to create as much content as possible for our viewers to enjoy. We love what we do!

When visiting our site, we never ask for anything in return, but if you find our articles helpful, then we would be honored if you shared them with your friends and helped spread the word about us. Also, feel free to follow us on Instagram or subscribe to us on YouTube (both are completely free), as we love interacting with our followers and sharing our life of board gaming. You can also visit our online shop to see if anything tickles your fantsy!