12 Best Small Card Games: Ultimate Buyer’s Guide to Top Picks

Best small board games for game night

Welcome to the thrilling world of the best small card games! These pint-sized wonders have taken the gaming world by storm in recent years, captivating players with their simple yet addictive gameplay. Whether you’re an avid gamer looking for a quick fix, a family searching for a fun way to bond, or a party host aiming to break the ice, these small card games have got you covered.

Gone are the days when board games took up half the table and required hours to finish. Small card games offer the perfect balance of entertainment and convenience, fitting snugly into your pocket or bag, ready to be whipped out at a moment’s notice. In this buyer’s guide, we’ll take you on a delightful journey through some of the best small card games and even a few small board games, each offering a unique experience that will keep you coming back for more.

Whether you’re a seasoned strategist or a casual gamer, a small card game in this guide is tailor-made for you. From cooperative challenges that test your telepathic abilities to competitive bluffs that will have your friends in stitches, these games cater to various preferences and play styles.

Best Small Card Games for Travel and On-The-Go Gaming

Join us as we dive into the world of Point Salad, where vegetables become valuable currency, venture into the mysterious realm of The Mind, where silence speaks volumes, and explore the bustling markets of Jaipur, where shrewd trading is the key to victory. We’ll also uncover the secrets of Love Letter’s courtly intrigue, savor the delectable delights of Sushi Go, and experience the timeless joy of Uno.

But that’s not all! Prepare yourself for the boisterous antics of Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, the breathless underwater treasure hunt of Deep Sea Adventure, and the numerical head-scratching of 6nimmt. And let’s remember the art of bluffing and deception in Cockroach Poker and Coup and the colorful card collections of Coloretto.

So, we’ve got you covered whether you’re looking for an icebreaker, a filler game between epic quests, or a small card game collection to take on your next adventure. Let’s take a look at the best small card games!

1. Point Salad

Alderac Entertainment Group...

Point Salad is a delightful and strategic card game that will have you craving veggies like never before. Designed by Molly Johnson, Robert Melvin, and Shawn Stankewich, this game brings a fresh twist to the world of card gaming with its unique mechanics and engaging gameplay.

In Point Salad, players find themselves at a vibrant vegetable market, where many delicious produce awaits. The goal is simple: collect the most valuable combinations of vegetables to earn points and create your “point salad.” But be prepared to make tough decisions, as not all vegetables will contribute to your score. Will you focus on specific types of veggies or go for a mixed salad approach? The choice is yours!

The game consists of two decks of cards: vegetable cards and scoring cards. At the start of each round, several scoring cards are randomly selected and placed face up. These scoring cards display different combinations of vegetables and their corresponding point values. Throughout the game, players will have the opportunity to draft vegetable cards and use them to fulfill the requirements of the scoring cards.

On their turn, a player can choose one of two actions: take a row of vegetable cards from the central market or claim a scoring card. When a row of vegetable cards is selected, the player must take all the cards from that row and replace them with new cards from the deck. This simple action has a strategic twist since it might help other players secure specific vegetables they need for their salad.

As the game progresses, players must adapt their strategy, considering which scoring cards are available, which vegetables they have already collected, and which ones their opponents might be pursuing. The game continues until all scoring cards have been claimed or the vegetable deck runs out, and then the points are tallied to determine the winner.


  • Easy to learn and quick to play, making it suitable for gamers of all levels and ages.
  • Engaging gameplay with a perfect blend of strategy and decision-making.
  • The constantly changing market and scoring cards keep each playthrough fresh and exciting.
  • Its compact size and minimal setup make it an excellent travel or on-the-go gaming choice.


  • Some players may find the luck of card draws can heavily influence their strategies.
  • Direct player interaction might be less engaging for those seeking competitive interaction.
  • While fun and approachable, Point Salad may have a different depth than more complex board games.

In conclusion, Point Salad is a fantastic addition to any card game collection. Its clever mechanics, quick gameplay, and portable nature make it a go-to choice for gatherings with friends and family. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the hobby, prepare to embark on a delicious journey filled with vegetable-filled fun!

2. The Mind

Pandasaurus Games The Mind -...

Prepare to enter a world of silence and telepathic connections with The Mind, a captivating and innovative card game designed by Wolfgang Warsch. This unique game challenges players to synchronize their thoughts and intuition to complete an extraordinary mental feat.

The Mind takes a minimalist approach to card gaming, providing players with a deck of numbered cards and a straightforward objective: playing the cards in ascending order without verbal communication or discussion. Sounds easy. Think again. The Mind will test your group’s understanding of each other without uttering a word.

The gameplay of The Mind is deceptively simple yet surprisingly profound. At the start of each round, players are dealt a certain number of cards, depending on the level of difficulty they choose. The number of cards increases as the game progresses, adding to the challenge. The deck contains cards numbered from 1 to 100.

The catch is that players must play their cards in ascending order, one card at a time, onto the center of the table. Sounds straightforward, but here’s the twist: players must rely solely on their instincts and non-verbal cues to determine the right time to play their cards.

There are no turns in The Mind, meaning anyone can play a card anytime. The goal is to avoid unnecessary overlaps and gaps between cards played. A moment of hesitation can lead to failure, while perfect synchronization will pave the way to victory.

As players progress through the rounds, they earn shurikens. This limited resource can be spent to gain extra lives or aid under challenging situations. Using these shurikens wisely is crucial, as running out of lives means starting over from the first level.


  • Offers a truly unique and immersive gaming experience, promoting teamwork and cooperation.
  • The minimalistic design and easy-to-learn rules make it accessible to gamers and non-gamers.
  • The tense and captivating atmosphere keeps players engaged from start to finish.
  • Provides an excellent opportunity for group bonding and building non-verbal communication skills.


  • The Mind may not be suitable for players who prefer more traditional, strategic card games.
  • Some players might need help with the game, especially at higher levels.
  • Since the game relies heavily on intuition, it may only be some people’s cup of tea.

In conclusion, The Mind stands as a testament to the creativity and innovation within the world of card gaming. It successfully delivers a captivating experience that challenges players in a way that few games can. Suppose you’re ready to push the boundaries of telepathy and embark on a silent yet thrilling journey with your fellow players. In that case, The Mind is the perfect game for you. Gather your friends, silence your voices, and let the mental synchronization begin!

3. Jaipur

Jaipur Board Game - Strategy...

Welcome to the bustling markets of Jaipur, a two-player card game set in India’s vibrant world of trade and commerce. Designed by Sébastien Pauchon, Jaipur offers an immersive and engaging experience that will transport you to the heart of the legendary “Pink City.”

Jaipur captures the essence of Indian marketplace culture, where traders haggle over precious goods and seek fortune amid bustling activity. As players, you’ll take on the roles of skilled traders, aiming to accumulate valuable goods, make shrewd trades, and earn the favor of the Maharaja by being the most successful merchant at the end of the game.

In Jaipur, the objective is to collect sets of sound cards and sell them for valuable tokens. The game is played over a series of rounds, and each round is divided into two phases: the Market Phase and the Selling Phase.

During the Market Phase, players can either take cards from the market or exchange goods cards from their hand with cards in the market. The market consists of face-up cards representing various commodities, such as spices, textiles, and gems. Players must carefully assess the market and decide whether to take advantage of the available goods or manipulate it in their favor.

The Selling Phase allows players to trade their collected goods for valuable tokens. Players need to assemble sets of the same type of commodity to sell goods. The larger the set, the more lucrative the rewards. However, players must also be strategic in their selling, as selling too early might yield fewer tokens than waiting for a more extensive set, but waiting too long can lead to missed opportunities.

The game introduces camel cards, which serve as a form of currency and are essential for trading goods cards. Players must manage camel cards wisely to secure the best deals and outwit opponents.

The game ends once several rounds have been played or when one commodity’s tokens run out. The player with the most tokens at the end of the game will be declared the winner and earn the title of Maharaja’s most esteemed trader.


  • Designed specifically for two players, making it an excellent choice for couples or dueling friends.
  • Straightforward rules and quick gameplay ensure an immersive and enjoyable experience.
  • The tactical gameplay involving market manipulation and timing keeps players engaged throughout.
  • The stunning artwork and thematic elements add to the game’s charm and appeal.


  • Some players may find the lack of interaction with more opponents less engaging.
  • It might not be suitable for larger gatherings or groups as a two-player game.
  • The luck aspect in drawing cards impacts the outcome, though strategic decisions can still influence the game significantly.

In conclusion, Jaipur delivers an engaging and immersive trading experience that will transport you to the bustling markets of Rajasthan. Its clever mechanics, tactical decision-making, and beautiful artwork make it a standout choice for two-player gaming sessions. Suppose you’re looking for an enchanting and approachable card game that combines strategy and market prowess. In that case, Jaipur is a must-add to your gaming repertoire. Step into the world of trade, barter, and negotiation as you compete for wealth and recognition in the fabled Pink City of Jaipur.

4. Love Letter

Love Letter Card Game -...

Step into the intrigue and charm of courtly romance with Love Letter, a compact and engaging deduction and bluffing card game designed by Seiji Kanai. Love Letter transports players to a world of secret messages and hidden intentions, where each card plays a pivotal role in winning the heart of the princess.

Set in a royal court, Love Letter casts players as suitors vying for the princess’s affection. The game is all about sending secret letters to the princess, delivered by trusted messengers, hoping to stand out among other suitors. But beware, for the palace is a place of whispers and deception, and you must carefully deduce your opponents’ moves to remain in the game.

The Love Letter deck consists of 16 cards, each with a unique character and value ranging from 1 to 8. At the start of the round, each player is dealt one card representing the character they embody. The rest of the cards are placed face-down in a draw pile.

On their turn, a player draws one card from the draw pile and then plays one of their two cards. The card played will trigger its character’s unique ability to target opponents, protect oneself, or gather information about other players’ cards. The goal is to eliminate other suitors and be the last player standing or have the highest-ranked card when the deck runs out.

The catch is that players need to know which cards are in play. As the game progresses, they gain valuable information about the cards in other players’ hands. Players can deduce which cards their opponents might have by using deduction and bluffing and make strategic plays accordingly.

The game continues until only one player or the draw pile is exhausted. At this point, the player with the highest-ranked card left in hand wins the round and earns a token of the princess’s favor. The first player to accumulate a predetermined number of tokens wins the game and proves themselves the most adept and cunning suitor in the court.


  • Love Letter’s quick and accessible gameplay is ideal for casual gamers and social gatherings.
  • The deduction and bluffing elements add an exciting strategy and mind games layer.
  • The game’s portable size and minimal components make it perfect for travel.
  • The charming theme and elegant artwork add to the game’s overall enjoyment.


  • As a player-elimination game, some players may be sidelined early, leading to less participation in longer games.
  • The element of luck in card draws may impact the outcome of specific rounds.
  • Some players may find the game repetitive after multiple plays.

In conclusion, Love Letter is a delightful and immersive card game that embodies the spirit of courtly romance. It’s simplicity and strategic depth make it a classic choice for gamers of all ages and experience levels. Whether you’re seeking a light and entertaining game or a challenging duel of wits, Love Letter offers an enchanting and rewarding experience as you compete for the princess’s heart and claim victory in the royal court.

5. Sushi Go

Sushi Go! - The Pick and Pass...

Get ready for a delectable dining experience with Sushi Go, a delightful and fast-paced drafting card game designed by Phil Walker-Harding. In Sushi Go, players become sushi connoisseurs, eager to savor the most mouthwatering combinations of sushi dishes as they pass by on the conveyor belt.

Inspired by the famous Japanese cuisine, Sushi Go offers a light-hearted and engaging gaming experience. The game revolves around “sushi passing,” where players select and collect sushi cards from their hand, then pass the remaining cards to the next player. The goal is to create the most delicious and valuable sushi platter by strategically choosing suitable dishes.

At the beginning of each round, players are handed a hand of sushi cards, each displaying various sushi dishes with different point values. The selection includes Nigiri, Maki Rolls, Tempura, Sashimi, and Dumplings. Each type of sushi scores differently, and players must plan their choices carefully to maximize their points.

Once the hand is revealed, all players simultaneously choose one sushi card to play and place it face-down on the table. After everyone has made their selection, the cards are shown, and each player passes their remaining hand to the player on their left. This process continues until all the cards have been played and players reveal their completed sushi platters.

The scoring is straightforward: players total the points earned from the collected sushi. For example, Nigiri cards score points based on the type of fish depicted. Maki Rolls are awarded to the player with the most and second-most rolls at the table. Tempura and Sashimi offer bonus points for collecting sets of three. At the same time, Dumplings increase in value exponentially with each card collected.

The game is played over several rounds, with new hands of cards dealt at the start of each round. After the final round, players add up their scores, and the player with the most points is declared the ultimate sushi master.


  • Sushi Go’s simple rules and quick gameplay make it accessible and enjoyable for players of all ages.
  • The cute and colorful artwork resembling sushi adds to the game’s charm and appeal.
  • The drafting mechanic keeps players engaged and encourages strategic decision-making.
  • The game’s short playtime makes it an ideal choice for quick gaming sessions or as a filler between longer games.


  • As a light and casual game, it may not satisfy players seeking complex or profound strategic experiences.
  • The randomness of card distribution can lead to some rounds feeling less strategic and more luck-based.
  • With higher player counts, there may be less control over the sushi selections.

In conclusion, Sushi Go is a delightful and flavorful card game that captures the essence of a sushi feast. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to tabletop games, Sushi Go offers a delightful and satisfying experience that will leave you craving more. So, grab your chopsticks, prepare your palate, and embark on a delicious journey of sushi delight with friends and family. May the most skillful sushi connoisseur win!

6. Uno

Mattel Games UNO Card Game for...

Uno, the timeless classic card game loved by millions worldwide, brings together players of all ages for a thrilling and fast-paced experience. Designed by Merle Robbins in 1971, Uno is a staple in family game nights, social gatherings, and gaming circles.

Uno is a simple yet addictive shedding-type card game that revolves around matching colors and numbers. The objective is to be the first player to eliminate all your cards and shout “Uno!” when only one card is left. But beware, Uno is not just about speed; strategic play and a bit of luck can lead to sweet victories.

The Uno deck consists of 108 cards, including numbers from 0 to 9 in four colors (red, blue, green, and yellow), along with unique action cards such as Skip, Reverse, Draw Two, and Wild. Each player starts with a hand of seven cards.

The game begins with the top card of the draw pile being turned face-up to start the discard pile. Players must match the full card of the discard pile either by color, number, or with a special action card. For instance, a blue 5 can be played on top of a blue card or any other card with a 5.

Special action cards add twists to the gameplay. Skip cards force the next player to miss a turn, Reverse cards change the direction of play, and Draw Two cards make the next player draw two cards and skip their turn. Wild cards allow the player to choose the color of play, while Wild Draw Four cards let the player choose a color and make the next player draw four cards.

When a player has only one card left, they must shout, “Uno!” If they forget to do so and another player notices, they must draw two penalty cards. The game continues until one player has emptied their hand of cards, and they become the winner of that round. Points are then tallied based on the cards left in other players’ hands, and the first player to reach a predetermined number of points is declared the overall winner.


  • Uno’s easy-to-learn rules make it accessible for players of all ages and gaming backgrounds.
  • The fast-paced and competitive nature of the game keeps players engaged and eager for revenge.
  • The game’s popularity ensures that it can be found in most households and is readily available.
  • Uno fosters friendly competition and laughter, making it an excellent choice for social gatherings.


  • Some players might find the reliance on luck with card draws frustrating, especially in longer games.
  • Uno’s simplicity may need to provide more depth for those seeking more strategic or complex gameplay.
  • In larger groups, players might experience longer waits between turns.

In conclusion, Uno’s enduring popularity and widespread appeal have made it a beloved classic in card gaming. Whether you’re playing with family, friends, or even strangers, Uno promises hours of excitement, laughter, and suspense. So, shuffle the deck, prepare your best tactics, and prepare for an unforgettable Uno showdown as you aim to shout “Uno!” louder and faster than your opponents. Will you be the one to dominate the deck and emerge as the ultimate Uno champion?

7. Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

Prepare for a hilarious and chaotic card game with a name as fun as its gameplay: Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza! Designed by Dave Campbell and published by Dolphin Hat Games, this lively game will have players laughing, slapping the table, and testing their reflexes in a race to shout out the right words at the right time.

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is a fast-paced, light-hearted party game around pattern recognition and speed. The game is straightforward to learn and suitable for players of all ages. It is a fantastic choice for family gatherings, icebreaker activities, and gaming nights with friends.

To begin the game, all players sit around a table, and the deck of cards is evenly distributed among them. Each card features one of five words: “Taco,” “Cat,” “Goat,” “Cheese,” or “Pizza.” Players take turns revealing their cards one by one onto the center of the table in a face-up stack.

As cards are played, players must listen carefully to the words spoken aloud. Whenever the word on a player’s card matches the word spoken aloud, the players must race to slap the center pile of cards. The last player to slap the pile must take all the cards from the stack and add them to their own hand.

The chaotic part comes from the game’s twist: two unique action cards – the Narwhal and the Groundhog. Players must perform a specific action whenever one of these cards is revealed before continuing with the next word. For example, the Narwhal card requires players to mimic the motion of a narwhal’s horn. In contrast, the Groundhog card demands everyone to thump the table with their fists.

The game continues this way until one player successfully removes all their cards. That player is declared the winner and earns the admiration of everyone for their speedy reflexes and sharp wits.


  • Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza provides endless laughter and entertainment, creating memorable moments for players.
  • The simple rules and quick gameplay make it accessible and enjoyable for players of all ages.
  • It encourages lively interaction and enhances social dynamics in any group setting.
  • The small, portable box makes it perfect for trips and playing in various locations.


  • As a party game, it may appeal to something other than players seeking deep strategy or long-lasting gameplay experiences.
  • In larger groups, it may be challenging for all players to clearly see the center pile of cards.
  • Some players may find the game’s randomness less appealing than games with more strategic elements.

In conclusion, Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is a blast for players looking for a boisterous and action-packed card game. Its engaging mechanics and simple concept will have everyone engaged and laughing uncontrollably. So, whether you’re a gaming veteran or a newcomer to party games, prepare for an unforgettable experience of absurdity and hilarity with Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza. Gather your friends, unleash your inner narwhal, and slap your way to victory in this zany word-matching extravaganza!

8. Deep Sea Adventure

Oink Games Deep Sea Adventure...

Dive into the depths of the ocean for a thrilling and perilous treasure hunt with Deep Sea Adventure, an exciting and compact card game designed by Jun Sasaki and Goro Sasaki. In this underwater adventure, players become daring divers seeking precious treasures while carefully managing their oxygen supply.

Deep Sea Adventure offers a unique and suspenseful gaming experience with its push-your-luck mechanics. Players embark on a shared submarine expedition, exploring the ocean floor for valuable relics. However, the treasures come at a cost, as the more you carry, the faster your oxygen depletes, leading to risky decisions and heart-pounding moments.

In Deep Sea Adventure, players take turns diving into the ocean by choosing how many steps they wish to move. The further you venture, the more valuable treasures you’ll discover. However, each treasure has a weight, and the combined weight of the treasures held by all divers impacts the consumption of oxygen for everyone.

To move, players roll a six-sided die, which determines the number of steps they can take. They move their diving piece along the submarine’s path, collecting treasures. However, the catch is that the treasures are shared among all players. So, while you may find a valuable relic, you’ll need to carefully consider how much to take and leave for others.

Players must be mindful of their oxygen level, represented by a shared marker on the oxygen track. As oxygen depletes, players will start losing valuable points. Making it back to the submarine on time is crucial to keep your collected treasures.

As rounds progress, treasures collected are placed in a shared treasure chest, making them easier to access for subsequent dives. However, the game intensifies each round as players become greedier and the oxygen supply dwindles.

At the end of the game, players tally their points based on the value of the treasures they’ve collected, deducting points for oxygen-depleted during the expedition. The player with the most points is crowned the ultimate deep-sea treasure hunter.


  • Deep Sea Adventure offers an engaging and intense push-your-luck experience for both casual and seasoned gamers.
  • The game’s portability and small box make it an excellent choice for travel gaming.
  • The shared resource system encourages interaction and competition among players.
  • The simple rules and quick playtime make it accessible for players of all ages.


  • Some players may find the reliance on luck with die rolls and treasure distribution less appealing.
  • The game’s competitive nature may lead to players making reckless decisions that impact the overall outcome.
  • In larger player counts, players may find it challenging to plan their moves strategically.

In conclusion, Deep Sea Adventure offers a thrilling and suspenseful underwater escapade that challenges players to balance risk and reward. The rush of pushing the limits of oxygen consumption while racing for valuable relics creates a unique and immersive experience. So, gather your fellow divers, brace yourselves for the depths, and embark on an unforgettable journey as you compete to become the boldest and most prosperous deep-sea treasure hunter.

9. 6nimmt

AMIGO Games Take 5 & Take a...

Prepare to engage in a strategic and entertaining card game with 6nimmt, also known as Category 5 or Take 6! This game, designed by Wolfgang Kramer, challenges players to outwit their opponents and avoid collecting unwanted cards in a dynamic and ever-changing setting.

6nimmt is a clever and engaging card game combining strategy, prediction, and careful planning elements. It is played with a deck of cards numbered from 1 to 104, each with a specific number of bullheads represented by bull symbols. The goal is to avoid collecting bullheads and score points by playing cards strategically.

To start the game, each player is dealt ten cards. Four cards are placed face-up in a row on the table, forming the central columns. These columns act as the starting points for each round.

Players take turns playing a card from their hand to one of the columns. However, the cards must be placed in ascending order according to their number. The challenge lies in finding the right column to play your card without triggering a “bullhead takeover.”

A “bullhead takeover” occurs when the sixth card is added to a column. When this happens, the player who played the sixth card must add the column of cards to their scoring pile, earning bullhead points equal to the total number of bullheads on the cards collected. Empty columns are refilled with new cards, and the next round begins.

The twist in 6nimmt is that players have to anticipate the moves of others and carefully select cards to avoid taking columns with many bullheads. Each card played should ideally be higher than the last card in a column, but sometimes players have no choice but to place a card that will trigger a takeover.

The game continues until a predetermined number of rounds have been played, and players tally their bullhead points. The player with the fewest bullhead points is declared the winner and crowned the master of 6nimmt.


  • 6nimmt’s simple rules make it accessible to both casual and seasoned gamers.
  • The strategic decision-making and prediction of opponents’ moves add depth to the gameplay.
  • The game’s dynamic and interactive nature keeps players engaged and involved throughout.
  • Its large player count (up to 10 players) accommodates large gatherings and parties.


  • The game’s luck-based elements, such as card draws, may influence the outcome of individual rounds.
  • Some players might need help calculating the optimal move in situations with limited choices.
  • It may take a few rounds for new players to fully grasp the strategy and tactics.

In conclusion, 6nimmt is a captivating and entertaining card game that perfectly balances strategy and unpredictability. The thrill of trying to avoid bullheads and outmaneuver opponents will keep players coming back for more. So, gather your friends and family, put your tactical skills to the test, and immerse yourselves in the exciting world of 6nimmt. With every round filled with tension and anticipation, this game will become a beloved addition to your gaming repertoire.

10. Cockroach Poker

Coiledspring Games Schmidt |...

Prepare to enter the world of quirky critters and deceptive bluffing with Cockroach Poker, a charming and entertaining card game designed by Jacques Zeimet. In this game of wits, players take on the roles of cunning players, attempting to trick their opponents into accepting unwanted critters while skillfully avoiding being fooled themselves.

Cockroach Poker is a light and social bluffing game that will keep players engaged in a whirlwind of deception and laughter. The game’s simple rules and interactive nature make it ideal for casual gatherings, icebreaker activities, and game nights with friends.

In Cockroach Poker, each player is dealt a hand of eight cards, each featuring a quirky critter, such as a cockroach, bat, stink bug, or scorpion. The game’s objective is to avoid being the first player to collect four cards of the same critter or to be forced to accept a critter card when you don’t want it.

The game revolves around players taking turns to “gift” a critter card to another player, along with a claim about the critter’s identity. The claim can be true or false, and the card’s recipient must decide whether to believe the claim.

Suppose the recipient believes the claim and the critter card are the gifter’s statement. In that case, the card goes to the recipient’s collection. However, if the claim is false and the critter card is not what was claimed, the card returns to the gifter’s collection.

The game continues with players gifting critter cards to one another and making claims, adding to the bluffing and deception. The key is to be skillful in your lies, convincing in your truths, and attentive to your opponents’ bluffs.

The first player to collect four cards of the same critter, or to accumulate too many creatures they don’t want, is the loser of the game. The remaining players are the winners, having successfully avoided the pesky critters.


  • Cockroach Poker’s light-hearted and interactive gameplay creates a lively and enjoyable atmosphere.
  • The game’s quick playtime and minimal setup make it perfect for impromptu gaming sessions.
  • It encourages social interaction, laughter, and playful banter among players.
  • The portable size of the deck allows for gaming on-the-go, making it a versatile addition to any gaming collection.


  • Some players may find the reliance on bluffing and social deduction less appealing.
  • The game’s simplicity may need more depth for players seeking more complex strategic experiences.
  • In larger groups, keeping track of players’ claims and decisions may be challenging.

In conclusion, Cockroach Poker delivers an amusing and engaging card game experience that hinges on wit and deception. The joy of outsmarting opponents and avoiding unwanted critters creates unforgettable moments of laughter and camaraderie. So, gather your fellow critter collectors, put your poker faces on, and dive into the world of quirky creatures as you navigate the art of bluffing in Cockroach Poker. Who will emerge as the cunning critter connoisseur and be left with a handful of creepy crawlies? Only time will tell!

11. Coup

Coup - The Fast, Fun Bluffing...

Enter the world of political intrigue and deception with Coup, a thrilling and cutthroat card game designed by Rikki Tahta. In this game of hidden roles and cunning tactics, players vie for power and influence in a dystopian society where alliances are fleeting, and betrayal is inevitable.

Coup is a fast-paced and strategic game that will keep players on their toes as they attempt to outmaneuver their opponents. With its bluffing and deduction mechanics, Coup offers a dynamic and engaging experience that will leave players second-guessing every move.

In Coup, players take on the roles of influential figures in a corrupt society. Each player is dealt two character cards face-down, representing their hidden roles. These roles can be powerful characters, such as the Duke, Assassin, Captain, Ambassador, Contessa, or the tricky and elusive Spy.

The game revolves around using the abilities of the character cards to gain coins, eliminate opponents, or block their actions. Each character has a unique power, and players can claim to have any character they wish, even if they don’t actually possess it.

On their turn, a player can perform one of several actions: Income (take one coin), Foreign Aid (take two coins), Coup (pay seven coins to eliminate another player’s card), or use the unique abilities of the characters they claim to have. Players can also challenge another player’s claim if they suspect they are bluffing about their character’s identity.

Challenging a player’s claim leads to a tense confrontation. If the challenged player is bluffing, they lose one of their character cards and must reveal the other. However, if the challenged player tells the truth, the challenger loses one of their character cards. Losing both character cards means elimination from the game.

The last player standing, with at least one character card remaining, is declared the winner and the true master of political manipulation and deception.


  • Coup’s quick and dynamic gameplay ensures players remain engaged and invested in every round.
  • The bluffing and deduction elements add the game layers of strategy and excitement.
  • The game’s compact size and minimal components make it perfect for travel gaming.
  • The ability to form alliances and break them creates memorable and intense moments.


  • Some players may find the player elimination aspect less appealing, as it reduces participation in longer games.
  • The reliance on bluffing and social deduction may not suit players who prefer more strategic gameplay.
  • In larger groups, keeping track of players’ claims and actions may be challenging.

In conclusion, Coup delivers a gripping and suspenseful gaming experience that tests players’ cunning and deceitful skills. The thrill of trying to outwit opponents and the psychological warfare of bluffing create a memorable and engaging adventure. So, gather your most trustworthy allies and prepare to delve into the world of power plays and subterfuge in Coup. Will you seize control and manipulate your way to victory, or will you fall victim to the cunning schemes of your rivals? Only time will reveal the true power players in this high-stakes game of deception.

12. Coloretto

Coloretto (cover art may vary)

Immerse yourself in a world of vibrant colors and strategic decision-making with Coloretto, a delightful and accessible card game designed by Michael Schacht. In Coloretto, players become avid collectors of colorful chameleons, seeking to create the most visually appealing sets while avoiding the chaos of too many colors.

Coloretto is a charming and straightforward card game that combines set collection with a clever mechanism for managing scoring opportunities. With its intuitive rules and engaging gameplay, Coloretto appeals to players of all ages and skill levels, making it an excellent choice for casual gamers and seasoned strategists.

In Coloretto, players take on the roles of wildlife enthusiasts, vying for the most diverse and visually stunning collections of chameleons. The game consists of cards, each representing a different chameleon color, and a handful of colored scoring cards.

At the start of the game, each player is dealt a hand of cards, and the scoring cards are placed in the center of the table. On their turn, players must make a critical decision: take a card from the deck and add it to one of the three color rows in the center or pick up one of the existing rows, taking all the cards in that row into their collection.

The catch is that each player can only have one row of chameleons in front of them. Thus, players must be strategic in their decisions and consider the potential consequences of collecting too many different colors, as that could lead to a penalty.

Scoring in Coloretto is both simple and elegant. At the end of the game, players will score points for three different colors of chameleons in their collection. In contrast, any additional colors will result in penalties that subtract from their total score. The key to success lies in balancing the desire for diverse collections with the risk of penalties.

The game continues until the deck of cards is depleted; at this point, players reveal their collections and tally their scores. The player with the highest total score emerges as the master of color and the ultimate collector of chameleons.


  • Coloretto’s easy-to-learn rules and quick gameplay make it a perfect choice for gamers of all ages and experience levels.
  • The game’s blend of set collection and risk management provides a delightful and engaging experience.
  • The colorful artwork and charming theme enhance the overall enjoyment of the game.
  • The portable size of the deck makes it ideal for travel or playing in various locations.


  • Some players may find the game’s simplicity less appealing if they prefer more complex and strategic gameplay.
  • The reliance on card draws may impact the outcome of individual games.
  • Collecting the colors needed for optimal scoring may be challenging in larger player counts.

In conclusion, Coloretto offers a delightful and colorful gaming experience that balances simplicity with strategic decision-making. The thrill of collecting chameleons and managing colors keeps players engaged and entertained throughout. So, gather your fellow wildlife enthusiasts, unleash your inner artist, and dive into the world of Coloretto. Will you master the art of color combination and claim victory, or will you get caught up in the chaos of too many colors? Show off your collection of chameleons and demonstrate your prowess as a skilled set collector in this charming and captivating card game.

Best Small Card Games Conclusion

In this buyer’s guide to the best small card and board games, we have explored various entertaining and engaging titles that cater to multiple preferences and gaming styles. Each game offers its unique blend of mechanics, themes, and player interactions, making them ideal choices for different occasions and groups.

From the fast-paced and unpredictable gameplay of “Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza” to the strategic and cunning deception of “Coup” and the vibrant set collection of “Coloretto,” these games showcase the versatility and creativity of the world of small card games and board games.

For those seeking a quick and immersive trading experience, “Jaipur” offers a trip to the bustling markets of India. At the same time, “Love Letter” delivers a delightful courtly romance experience. On the other hand, “Deep Sea Adventure” provides a thrilling dive into the ocean’s depths, and “6nimmit” challenges players to push their luck in a whimsical card game.

The timeless classics “Uno” and “Sushi Go” prove that simplicity can lead to enduring fun and excitement, and “Point Salad” presents an engaging and strategic challenge for those who relish complex decision-making.

Meanwhile, the quirky critters of “Cockroach Poker” add laughter and deception to the mix, making it a hit in social gatherings and parties.

Each game has its distinct appeal and can cater to different gaming preferences and group sizes. Whether you prefer bluffing, deduction, strategic planning, set collection, or quick reflexes, this small card and board games collection has something for everyone.

So, gather your friends and family, choose the game that suits your mood, and embark on a journey of laughter, rivalry, and camaraderie. Let these small card and board games infuse your gaming sessions with unforgettable moments and delightful experiences, from charming critters to daring treasure hunters and political masterminds to colorful chameleons.

Happy gaming!

FAQs About Small Card Games:

What are small card games and board games?

A small card and board games are tabletop games in compact and portable packages. These games typically have fewer components, a smaller playing area, and shorter playtimes than traditional board games. They are designed to be easy to learn, quick to set up, and ideal for playing in various settings, such as travel, parties, or casual gaming sessions.

Are small card games and board games suitable for children?

Yes, many small card and board games are suitable for children, depending on their age and gaming experience. These games often have simple rules and mechanics, making them accessible for young players. However, it’s essential to check each game’s recommended age range and gameplay complexity to ensure it aligns with the child’s abilities and interests.

Can small card games and board games accommodate larger groups?

Yes, some small card games and board games can accommodate larger groups. Games like “Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza,” “Cockroach Poker,” and “Coloretto” can be played with several players and are excellent choices for social gatherings or parties. However, it’s essential to check the game’s player count and ensure it can accommodate the number of participants.

How long do small card games and board games usually take to play?

Small card games and board games are known for their quick playtimes. Most games on this list can be completed within 15 to 30 minutes, making them excellent choices for shorter gaming sessions or as fillers between longer games.

Where can I purchase these small card games and board games?

Small card games and board games are widely available at local board game stores, specialty retailers, and online marketplaces. They are also commonly found in toy stores, bookstores, and hobby shops. Online retailers and websites dedicated to board games are excellent places to explore and purchase these games.


Hillary is a 28 year old board game enthusiast from New York who specializes in hosting game nights.

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