Board Games Like Sequence – Light Strategy Board Games

Board Games Like Sequence

One of our favorite games to play when we want to relax and casually play a board game is Sequence. Sequence is a light strategy game that uses a double deck of playing cards that allow you to place tokens on the game board, working towards getting five tokens in a row. If you are looking for board games like sequence, then we have a great list in store for you!

When looking for board games similar to sequence, we look for games that involve some pattern recognization and abstract thinking. They don’t take long to learn and involve very light strategy. A little luck is also involved in these types of games, but if you play your cards (or tiles) right, then you may find yourself with an upper hand on your opponents.

Finding Board Games Like Sequence

Sequence involves a very simple concept. The premise of the game is based simply on making matches. There is a combination of luck, variables, stealth, and light strategy. Players begin a round by playing a card from their hand and placing a chip on the corresponding space on the games board.

Board Games Like Sequence

The goal is to use the cards in your hand in order to place tokens in a ‘5-in-a-row’ pattern in order to create a “sequence.” Depending on how many players you are playing with, the first player to create a sequence or two wins! We took in the consideration of this combination of luck, stealth, pattern recognition, and light strategy in order to find games that have a similar concept. Check out our list of board games like Sequence below!

Our List of Board Games Like Sequence

1. Azul

With beautiful tile playing pieces, Azul is one of the most visually pleasing board games out there. Azul can be played with 2-4 players in about 30-45 minutes. It fits our list of board games like sequence because players must place tiles on their personal board in a strategic pattern in order to gain points.

The premise of the game consists of players taking turns drafting colored tiles from their suppliers and placing them on their player board. Players score points based on how they’ve placed their tiles to decorate their own palace. Extra points are scored for specific patterns and completing sets with your tiles. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

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Azul Board Game

2. Patchwork

The concept of Patchwork involves choosing the best tiles and fabrics to create gorgeous quilts on their boards. The available patches used to play won’t always fit perfectly together. Therefore, players will have to use some light strategy in order to choose the best patches to use and have a supply of buttons to expand their built. Purchasing patches costs buttons and time, so players need to plan ahead.

Players must think about button income, time, and covering spaces on their board. We believe this game to be  simple, two player game with a spatial, tetris-like aspect to it. This is why we feel as though Patchwork is a great alternative to Sequence.

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3. Lanterns The Harvest Festival

Bright colors and beautiful artwork are the highlights of this quick to learn tile placement board game. In Lanterns the Harvest Festival, players act as artisans who have been commissioned to float lantern-like colorful ornaments in the palace lake to celebrate the latest harvest. The players garner honor (aka points) from the palace court through dedications that they make using their collected lanterns.

Lanterns is our must play game during relaxing game nights and winter months. The vibrant colors bring a bright and warm cheerfulness to a time that is sometimes very cold and dark. If you are ever in a bad mood or feeling down, Lanterns is a great game to play that we consider in our list of board games like sequence.

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Lanterns Board Game

4. Qwirkle

Qwirkle is an abstract game that consists of 108 wooden blocks with six different shapes in six different colors. Qwirkle can be played on any flat surface without a board. Players place blocks of a single matching attribute on the table and then on following turns, adds blocks adjacent to at least one previously played block.

The blocks must all be played in a line and match, without duplicates, either the color or shape of the previous block. Players score one point for each block played plus all blocks adjacent. Qwirkle remind us of Sequence as it forces players to plan ahead and recognize different patterns that they can play and place from their hand.

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5. Tsuro

Tsuro is a beautiful and simple game that consists of laying a tile before your own token to continue its path on each turn. The goal is to keep your token on the board longer than anyone else’s, but as the board fills up this becomes harder.

It’s a great board game like sequence to have at home if you are looking for a game with a quick pace and variable player count. It’s beautiful and very relaxing, making it very similar to the other games in this list of board games like sequence.

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Board Games Like Sequence

As we play more board games like sequence, we will be sure to add to this list. The genre of board gaming is great for players looking to play a casual board game that involves some light strategy!

If you are more of a casual board gamer and are looking for more board games to play, then check out our article on the best comfort board games that are easy to learn but hard to master.


Hillary is a 28 year old board game enthusiast from New York who specializes in hosting game nights.

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